
BPM Calculator instructions

Key in your Sequencer's tempo, as 'Beats per Minute', exact with decimal amount. Define the Tune setting your Sample is currently set to, '0' being nominal or 'Default'/'Center' position).

Click 'Calculate' and you'll be presented with various 'values'. Each 'value' represents a measure of 'Samples' that equates to a quantafied division of time that can 'fit' to your tempo.

Choose any value of note length, from the results, and dial it in as your Sample's 'Length' and 'Loop Length' (your 'Length' value will have to be the same, if not 'greater than', your 'Loop' value).

Similar to 'Quantize', the cycles of your 'Loops' should then 'repeat' in systemic intervals, which should compliment your Sequencers tempo, particuarly when you execute your 'Sample' on 'the 1', or some other evenly placed measure.

Tip: Sometimes shifting your Sample 'Start' value, like a little 'nudge' back or forward, may be neccesary to get your Sample 'in the pocket'. In some cirumcumstances, it might be a good idea, to leave a tiny amount of 'wriggle room' at the front of your Sample, rather than trim it off. So you have the option to 'nudge backwards', if required.

Plus, it can also be a useful tool to calculate lengths of Samples if you need to purge excess Sample data as a means to save memory. But experiment with it.. you can make some cool syncopated effects or rhythmic phrasing in time with your beats.

Note: Shorter Sample 'Lengths' will allow for more 'Loops' to cycle more often.

FYI: If you’re unsure how to achieve low tuning amounts of -15 semi-tones, or up to +12 semi-tones on the SP1200.. check out Tonelab's YouTube Quick-Tip ‘How to Tune Samples’ here: